Plumbing problems can not only create stress but can also cause damage to your home. At C4 Plumbing, Heating, & Cooling, we see a lot of calls for plumbing problems that could be avoided with the proper knowledge. Below, we will discuss five tips that can help keep your plumbing in great shape!

Do Not Flush Certain Items

A clogged toilet can cause flooding in your home. This is not only unsanitary, but sewage can contain viruses and bacteria. There are measures you can take to avoid toilets from clogging. Toys are one of the main reasons we see toilet clogging. Talk to your children and educate them that toys never go down the toilet. We also see baby wipes. Most wipes are not meant to be flushed and, over time, become stuck in your pipes, resulting in a clogged toilet.

Never Put Grease Down Your Sink

Grease is the main reason that kitchen sinks become clogged. It would be best if you never pour grease down your sink. Grease hardens and continues to collect in your sink pipes over time, eventually resulting in a clogged sink that will require a plumber.

Some Things Shouldn’t Go Down Your Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals are a great addition to any kitchen, but they can also become clogged and cause your sink to overflow. Potato peels, rice, starchy items, and bones should never go down your disposal. These types of items are known to become stuck and will create a mess.

Frozen Pipe Prevention

Frozen pipes can often be prevented when the proper steps are taken. Always keep an eye on the weather and ensure your heat is on, even when you are not home. This can help keep your interior pipes warm. A frozen pipe can burst, causing flooding in your home.

Hot Water Heater Maintenance

Hot water heaters do require regular maintenance. A certified plumber should complete this type of maintenance. Maintenance is the number one way to keep your water heater from damage. A damaged water heater can create flooding in your home.