Warmer weather signals the start of the summer season, which is a welcoming sign after the harsh winter. However, with the warmer weather comes the need for air conditioning in your home. Your HVAC unit works hard during the winter months to provide you with warmth, and after, it can use some loving care.

Air Duct Cleaning

An HVAC specialist will check your air ducts and vents to make sure they do not need to be cleaned. If they do, they will remove the vents and clean out your ducts. Air ducts can sometimes hold debris and dust, which can affect the air quality in not only your home but also the cooling and heating.

HVAC Maintenance

HVAC maintenance is considered preventative care for your unit. Your coils, elements, and drains will be checked. They will also check your thermostat, refrigerant, connections, and motor for any damages. By checking all the components of your HVAC system, it ensures that you will not have any costly repairs. A minor repair can rapidly turn into a more expensive one if not found during routine maintenance.


Filters should be changed often, even more frequently if you have pets. Your filter helps to circulate the air through your home while catching any dust and debris. If your filter becomes blocked because of debris, it can cause your HVAC unit to work overtime to cool your home. This can cause costly repairs.

HVAC units should have maintenance before the warmer weather. It is much easier to handle repairs now than when it is hot outside and you have no cool air in your home. Keeping your HVAC unit in great shape ensures it will last for years to come, all while keeping you warm during the winter and cool during the summer.