Sewer lines can become clogged or blocked, causing sewage to back up into your home. Sewage can also flow from your main sewer line on the exterior of your home, causing a smelly and unsightly experience. Sewage in any form is considered an emergency, as it is hazardous. Sewage may contain bacteria or viruses that could make you ill if you attempt to remove the sewage yourself.

Certified plumbers like C4 Plumbing have the proper tools and equipment to remove sewage from your property, repair any sewer lines, clean, and sanitize the area. It is important that all sewage is removed and the area properly cleaned.

There are misconceptions that clear sewage is safe sewage. This is far from the truth. Even clear sewage can make you ill. If your toilet is backing up into your home, it is best to remove your family and pets from the area and call a professional. They will be able to determine the cause of the sewage backup and repair any problems.
If your sewer line is blocked or damaged, it can be messy. Sewage is known to smell terrible and look awful. Luckily, C4 Plumbing has the equipment to find the clog or break source, making repairs quicker and easier for everyone involved.

If you arrive home to sewage on your home’s exterior or interior, do not hesitate to call C4 Plumbing. Sewage is always a plumbing emergency and should be treated as a hazardous substance. As the Holidays approach, be prepared for any sewage or plumbing repairs. With more traffic in your home, it is likely you will have a plumbing disaster. Luckily, C4 Plumbing is available 24/7 for all your sewer or plumbing repair needs!